• To Consider including  Fruits in diet of renal patients they need to present and consume with certain restrictions
  • As the chronic Kidney disease Patients have poor functioning of filtering the waste matter or certain unwanted minerals or toxins consuming certain fruits might make the condition severe 
  • To suggest few points keep in mind was low potassium ,sodium and phosphorus containing fruits are only highly recommended

The Low Potassium Containing Fruits includes- Fruits to Consume 

       The low potassium, phosphorus containing fruits are suggested in patients with high potassium levels or hyperkalemia or in people suffering from kidney disease 

  • PLUM
  • PEAR 

High Potassium Containing Fruits includes-Fruits to Avoid 

       The high potassium-containing fruits are recommended in people with less potassium levels or hypokalemia and also high blood pressure conditions.

  • KIWI

There are no fixed limitations to diet, especially fruits with low potassium, but the consumption should be  limited & mindful of what is required to maintain the quality of life and beneficial to the renal affected individual.

The recommended quantities are 


  • Apples are considered as the most beneficial fruit to consume for the kidney patients
  • Because of its superior qualities Such as low potassium,richness in antioxidants,fiber and vitamin C 
  • Apart from that ,the skin of apple contains most of the fiber content with an additional advantage  
  • This fruit can be served through making either  juices ,salads or baking 
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away ‘ is what it meant as an age old saying.
  • The recommended serving is 1 apple per day or ½ cup of apple slices containing 150 mg of potassium. 


  • Bananas are rich in potassium, phosphorus which is why it is not included in the diet of a kidney patient 
  • A medium size banana contains around 422 mg of potassium.so maintaining the potassium intake of less than 2000 -2500mg is even difficult for a failed kidney to work efficiently and effectively 
ZiSzWInvL3noJRk55Pt12n0jue2Q0BUi9VJF4gTudQw sp PbbNEBsDVCPy1boF44c7hvtTVYoQd5XU5s7Gfdau8d0Cqsc1Klg1J6q7LMU27VtNQvTGzZod1VsHgVgtLO9rwCAI4vzMKmJ2ic6 Kow

3.Oranges or Orange juice 

  • Oranges are rich sources of potassium and antioxidants
  • So these fruits are limited to the renal patients 
  • So,this fruit can be replaced with grapes or cranberry,apples 
  • One small sized orange contains 240 mg of potassium 
2cURBI6TbT Pj1jbKZX0DvW9qLMZIuS9hJZxlXZulPQxj9MYvHtaaRhy94idsF5nCz7xP0egJYHDzVR PtCbUt9AOSIxeyjNcOEqTCtqnw0zXb9p e1NycNIpDNvcojf2IPuDtF8CccfvtE2j3 XQ


  • Avocados are also embedded with rich sources of potassium so it is restricted to the diet with allowed minimal intake 
  • 200 gms contains 974 mg of potassium 
  • This can be recommended to include about half for the daily intake 
seapVCBoVcfhIPaX6dUZtYTd3fCWvbeHR67LtvZy6wxxzfEFKcYoQ07NHI0AQODnJWi6m1vekyz abrJnMr3 PSDCb2b44iWmDoZDBpDjYRyLBU


  • This class of fruits include strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries which are embedded with rich sources of essential vitamins and minerals
  • Out of which strawberries are highly recommended for the renal patients due to its less phosphorus, Potassium and sodium content 
  • But rich in vitamin C,Folate,manganese, antioxidants and minerals
  • Half cup of strawberries can provide 28 calories with 6.5gm of carbohydrates and 2 g of fiber and 130 mg of potassium 
  • Can be beneficial to consume it in any form as juice,salads with veggies,greens and meat.
  • Cranberries are also loaded with excellent anti-inflammatory anti bacterial properties
  • Whereas, Raspberries are enriched with ellagic acid which is an phytonutrients which prevents kidney injury or oxidative damage 
  • And also improve kidney function and decrease the growth of renal cancer because of availability of  flavonoids 
  • Moreover,they are very good sources of manganese, Vitamin B and C ,fiber and folate 
Ip5L8GnbuhUqtPYGgsh1nO3QslCOcTCYmLswHl1FLtsr7dNhAIxzaB1MJ3eLEJdpjHDqFHcZ8Y6sF3sX6LZoo5P7MMOrNQ8fOT PmWzN1eQ0as91s9RX8H5 oKYCz5ZIAFP8mDxUAJFNAwo yr sGQ


  • 1 cup of pineapple cubes contains of 165 mg of potassium 
  • This serving can provide with 2mg of sodium, 13 mg of phosphorus 
  • Excellent source of Vitamin C ,fiber and an enzyme known as bromelain which helps in removal of renal stones
  • It is recommended for kidney patients due to its action in controlling blood pressure which occurs as a secondary cause due to renal disease
  • This fruit also have an excellent supporting action on heart health especially in people on dialysis
  • They detox the kidneys 


  • Red grapes are highly recommended in kidney disease patients
  • 1 cup of grapes contains 288 mg of potassium and 30mg of phosphorus
  • They are high in vitamin Such as C,K and fiber ,small amounts of magnesium,manganese and copper  
  • These sweet fruits are kidney-friendly, with a half cup (75 grams) containing ( 29 ): sodium: 1.5 mg. potassium: 144 mg.
QXdy8Daw6vlynQOJArFz1a7 h9rdZSfcsatDPnkx2CNH9bEX zXTBRqFqfhSRYjnqfCdCFYD6taGpYnA7wOJByMmNZQKoXX7NHwegt4E2rT1t2 8gXm TzMuTZyA0TaPh0yORAxq1AZI CE4E4CnQ

8.Honeydew melon

  • This fruit is limited to the renal disease patients 
  • The half diced Honeydew melon contains about 200 mg of potassium per serving 


  • It is also limited to the renal patients
  • ½ sliced cantaloupe contains 215 mg of potassium
  • Apart from these they are rich in potassium,fiber,vitamin C and minerals 
  • Helps to keep blood pressure in check 
b3ERIlmq0Nh1x9maNvEOfjPZGIDG8j5HqEhdDWaQJk6 6pddHdfRSBin0ogR56eTuRx42h79OKIxps13uBBKX6BpdMdrVABYdp 57zTl9l7JenKKlYMhojwWhfxeCU4dbGuwFu q3188E7oC2jBlpQ


  • Watermelon is highly recommended which contains 170mg/cup of sliced melon 
  • As the fruit contains 92% of fluid it should be limited to someone for the renal patients who are in fluid restricted diet 
  • It is a kidney friendly fruit which prevents kidney from damaging or kidney injury 
  • Other nutritional values are vitamin C,beta carotene and lycopene 
Dj8MEhBDEiCz 5APJu0gk8TTR5XPU7oeiymc2sJgipYlNeWgl Kkx9U 8f bvTbDEXby3gH Ks8U AdWMCM6D6l1jUHiQu6X4XsXX7aCi7 w16gmFPP8fN7jLY mv2Rd0clrBqc9QXCf6iJDhOm1gA

11.Lemon and limes

  • Lemon or limes are rich sources of  vitamin C which helps in reducing kidney stone formation 
  • Limiting it’s consumption is recommended if not the Urinary pH is elevated
  • Taking lemon juice regularly or daily can reduce pain from stones  
  • The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of the lime juice or lemon juice  support the healthy functioning  of kidneys
1OMCx8N9AnNOktgpcqzC0wK6Ecpwl7Svp5WGU8TiXNseJJDgR3bjQXOKc XbQn73BNfUgDrB0dma6 kzzzWtG9Fe71GG6oU4yI2ykujh88ov69T0ZXEMopbyfaTDqzevEqoNk2FppGWQaV18JBumXQ


5xIY s7iFQAOhYoFTMZgqJAaAHkoks48GWzgju u3yawtc1m4rRwRc0Cysam0OPqHDqxSr6ms19Co6XcE iWDVe2gsF4UxmAaZBqYSvgLN16F dxuONcu0Ebbc4DY5bI bgw0rA7E8ZBeUQXGCXaow
  • It is considered as an kidney friendly fruit with low sodium , potassium and phosphorus
  • ½ cup of pear slices contains of about 35 mg of potassium 
  • They are good sources of vitaminC and K and also antioxidants,fiber content .
  • They have an extraordinary anti Inflammatory properties along with anticancer property 


3 uwxu7RNDbNUVoJ7i5Q67WEXCiWLh cYiPasV1RCYXwbV1x unHYsFLu3lGxZu0iXOPOtjI6XReGjb3IXFYpvhLblX5htUnbADC01ibHZtgqwdR8c8RibgRkufV1SH6T
  • 1 medium size peach contains of around 185 mg of potassium
  • They provide an excellent benefits to Kidney patients in term of nutrition and  supplementation
  • They are rich in vitamin A,B,C .Moreover they contain essential minerals such as calcium ,iron , carbohydrates and proteins 
  • They aid in prevention of renal stones formation


T3M2Dc uQ 8hYWJdnqIxMjHXxsWiF1jnEd13Ma2S3eyq RKgFyrdQS hFi2aeJX4 r lqkCIL d7LypWrJLvArsuP4QQ33zUGn9DAHJl 8p3FdXoYvucX4R68B05kPeS4uq7FcJ rsdF0rZQydNpjA
  • The plums are included for renal patients diet 
  • They are excellent sources of vitamin K,C,A and antioxidants helps to heal the body
  • Lowers blood sugar levels effectively
  • The serving size should be limited as  ½ cup of plum contains 129 mg of potassium
  • They are available in canned plums and also as dried plums 


  • The nutritional Supplementation provided by clementines include fiber,vitamin C,B6,Folate
  • The minerals include 5%of potassium,2%of copper ,manganese etc 
  • Helps in maintaining the fluid balance in the body and boosts immunity along with prevention of  the renal stone formation 
  • They belongs to citrus family and should be taken in limited quantities
  • 1 or 2 small wedges can be consumed in kidney disease patients 


klk5T2u0sq7OsaS7et6r7pb2M0mE0PQAUcHMyH JGXyBbmTnQKSrDAVhdEGYrlwpDYW4D3thWOJGwiE1M4v2YP TxbmCgKh5SHwKGMhsTjZoPHh ko0zk1BHN22YBXe1 DHo6r5rtLd0 geqUmjb6g
  • This fruit is packed with 6% daily intake of potassium along with vitamins such as Vitamin B3,C, antioxidants and also rich in fiber and other small quantities of other minerals
  • They prevent from progression of renal cancers 
  • ½ cup of nectarine serving  has 250 mg of potassium 
  • Dialysis patients are recommended to alternate nectarine with mangoes or papaya

Other fruits include 


  • Where they belong to citrus family can be consumed without restriction but in limited quantities 


duEHfaf3JcKXw0PBDftIppsFk80TnQyxtKvMoVfiPgq7ci tgludRKPAhQJP3NPMq45lrArGqhRyT033lbtSePOLkOqC4mDvdOZRutFZn7tWqWS

19.Grape fruit

  • It is considered as the great dietary option for kidney patients because of its rich nutritional status and properties
  • This helps to prevent the formation of renal stones and also eliminate the low density lipoproteins
  • Consuming it in form of juice or a direct fruit can provide the equal benefits
  • 100gms of grape fruit contains 135 mg of potassium 
  • High source of vitamin C, antioxidant make it even more kidney friendly fruit 


wiW2sdgpVjJIa04pLQkWvrDyqx4nGAYnQ8n9lo4Lxj 1cTrC3gptq3OIU6PZlOCf5KQVEc3WUfa4Go6 aPVXfrgXhjyCIV7A7Au1KwO0ob
  • They provide enough nutrition for kidney patients and safe to consider fruit in them
  • ½ cup of cherries contains 170 mg potassium,13 gms carbohydrates and fiber,16 gms phosphorus along with few other essential antioxidants. 
  • Prevent kidney stone formation and known to improve renal function 


3iQacKJzRzaqIFTrLBgL1fNSIwRCD9SOklycrr4lQ67r9ceeh9EN17MaMRhExuccbY6hRgOReptffwE24Lj6Ahizrpzve3wWlyByGITtxl0MX0D6wVTCzi2 bebQVLTaVeKJ2SYmBGHc7faQoQ8niw
  • It is an low Potassium Containing fruit and safe to consider in renal disease patients
  • ½ cup of papaya contains 35 gm of potassium along with other carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins
  • It has anti inflammatory, antibacterial,anticancer properties and helps to improve the kidney and heart functioning 


Mo7wzwf8bHLLAzNPf9a3 xUY4eAf9kGaY0TdGZXlT6PqzkgbjPRyHqGTlnk Ji 1SdbmsMDf 4xB0hqgeEReIgxfuQEDJ 2O HnBAo4np51GByX0vuLCXOhygtdvNd3ap67V2emoUrsD4zk4M76UUg
  •  Fresh cranberries or its juice  is a good source of vitamin C and fiber, provides antioxidant polyphenols, and contains only 1 mg of sodium.
  • nutritional strategies may reduce some of these complications of forming stones or further progression of cancer
  • ½ cup of cranberry contains 45 gm of potassium .so it is kidney friendly fruit to consume 

23.Jamun or blackberry

pmrxGubgmHrmyzE owNWcGJxRYznKGRqtMPsj7d xKRwDit9KRDvbk hYvGesCox iLA0AxIwmLwCROR Hrl7b8xHFjn7lCB8CQDpRkgmzuhZqZI Hap6BD2w2rfH4UuwlwKr nNXHDJ7g14 laqNQ
  • These fruits have excellent benefits for kidney disease patients with anti Inflammatory property 
  • They contains vitamin C , carbohydrates,iron, magnesium, potassium,phytochemicals 
  • This fruit posses diuretic property and antiscorbutic property so the toxins are flushed out from kidneys .
  • They also helps to control blood pressure
  • 100 gms of jamun contains 55 mg of potassium