Autosomal Dominant Tubulointerstitial Kidney Disease

It was only recently that the name “autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease” (ADTKD) was developed to refer to a group of rare inherited kidney diseases. These conditions are characterised by high levels of creatinine and a chronic renal illness that advances slowly. Symptoms of ADTKD may go undiagnosed until the creatinine level is raised because to the autosomal dominant inheritance of the disease.  Dialysis or a kidney transplant may be necessary between the fourth and …

Malnutrition in dialysis patients.

Malnutrition is a term used to describe any abnormal nutritional status leading to either ectomorphism or obesity. Various reasons constitute malnutrition extending from unhealthy or insufficient diet to organ system damage. Kidney disease and liver disease are the major factors that constitute malnutrition when the intake of nutritious food is not a topic of concern.  Dialysis is a continuous mechanical cleansing unit that artificially purifies blood through an external circuit. This in turn means kidney …

Different types of intravenous fluids.

Introduction. Intravenous fluids or iv fluids are the medically modified liquids that are administered in the body through injections in the vein.  It is used as the immediate treatment measure for a lot of medical complications, especially dehydration. Intravenous fluids also possess the formulations of specific medications and not just the ability to raise the fluid volume of the body. Saline as commonly termed as dextrose is the most widely used iv fluid to raise …

Kidney stone analysis

What are kidney stones?  The formation of renal stones is called nephrolithiasis. It is quite common in India amongst all the age groups and has a better prognosis. Kidney stones or kidney calculi are the solid structures which are made up of various minerals. They can cause severe complications in the body especially in the urinary tract. Oxalate, pyruvate, calcium etc. are the major substances which form kidney stones. Kidney stones are common complications in …

Long term complications of steroids.

What are steroids? Steroids are artificially prepared chemical compounds that are used for various medical conditions. They are synthetic hormones that have proved to show quick improvement in the muscle and other body part regeneration. They are made up of cyclohexane and cyclopentane rings. Steroids are short acting but quick in their action. Steroids play a role in the symptomatic relief of the conditions which are not entirely treatable or which take a long time …

Osteoporosis in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Basic relation between bone and kidney health. Bone health is intertwined with renal health as vitamin D is processed in the kidneys. Activation of calcitriol occurs in the proximal convoluted tubules of the nephrons. Deterioration of kidney health status adversely affects the bones. Bones when undergoing deterioration they tend to become hypodense. This in turn results in a lower mass of the bone and the destruction of its internal trabecular structure. This condition is grossly …

Artificial sweeteners and other sugar substitutes 

Sweeteners are a trap. One moment you are enjoying a delicacy and the next minute, you are obsessing over the fact that you are messing up your health. What if we tell you that you don’t have to worry? We did the leg work for you and explored everything that you must know about artificial sweeteners and other sugar additives.  What are Artificial Sweeteners?  When you look at the present landscape, artificial sweeteners are much …


Uses of silodosin Dosage in general population only for adults  The drug is available in the form of capsules ,with oral mode of administration after the meals,the half life of the drug is around 11-13 hours  Dosage in renal patients Dosage in children and women  Side effects Others include Drug interactions  Brands  Storage and precautions  Conclusion Frequently asked questions


Urine albumin to creatinine ratio Urine albumin excretion rate Microalbuminuria: Macroalbuminuria: Clinical significance  Random microalbumunuria Urine protein-creatinine ratio Temporarily greater protein concentrations in your urine might happen as a result of the following: Physically demanding exercise. Dehydration. Pregnancy. Infection. Stress. 24 hours urine albumin Normal: 0–29 mg per day Slightly raised: 30–300 mg per day Much raised: >300 mg per day FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS