
1. What is Polyuria ? 2. What are the Symptoms and Signs of Polyuria? 3. What are the causes of Polyuria? The most common cause of polyuria is diabetes mellitus where the blood sugar levels are extremely high due to improper filtering of blood glucose resulting in elimination of larger amounts of glucose in urine  The other causes include  4. How to Diagnose Polyuria? 5. What are the possible complications of polyuria ? 6. What …

Lithium Nephrotoxicity 

1. What is lithium? 2. How does lithium cause negative effects on the kidneys ? 3. What are the side effects of using lithium as a therapeutic drug? 4. What are the signs and symptoms? Polyuria -increased urine output than usual  Polydipsia -increased thirst Nocturia Nausea  Vomiting Lethargy  Tremors  Confusion  Agitation Delirium  Hypertonia Coma Seizures Hypothermia Swelling  Renal insufficiency Dehydration due to increased loss of water through urine  Dry mouth Tachycardia  Hypertension(postural) Hypernatremia  Mood swings  …

Kidney Health testing procedures

1. Urine tests Dipstick urine test  Urine albumin to creatinine (UCAR) Note:If the diabetes is noticed priorly with good maintenance or control it is earlier to have lower values  Blood tests Serum creatinine Estimated Glomerular filtration rate(eGFR) Blood urea nitrogen  Kidney ultrasound  Renal biopsy Frequently asked questions

Kidney health for all

Some of Them include; How Does it All Connected with Kidney health? 1. Government should include emergency plans in managing and detecting non communicable diseases/NCDs and working towards the favor of prevention 2. Should be prepared at all times with emergency kits, food ,water ,medicines and their health records 3. Policy makers should take consideration of integrated and collaborative healthcare policies and schemes that support and prioritize the vulnerable or people at risk. 4. There …

How to take care of the hemodialysis catheter?

The hemodialysis catheters should be taken care to prevent the possible infections and clots formation in the veins and arteries where the access is created Catheter cleaning and safety usage  The following step includes  What happens when the catheter fails to perform well? Treatment What happens if you treat clot or infections early ? Patient role to take care of catheter? Frequently asked questions

Fluid Restriction In Renal Patients 

Why fluid restriction? What happens if the patient follows fluid restriction? What are the factors determining the fluid restriction? How do we know? How is the fluid intake calculated? The units of calculation includes milliliters or cubic centimeters How do patients need to manage to quench thirst? What fluid counts? As mentioned above for  Chronic Kidney disease  Stage 1 & 2 Stage 3,4 & 5 Kidney failure  For instance: means 40 ounces of fluid intake …

Finerenone role in chronic Kidney disease

I.Overview Pharmacokinetics II.Uses of finerenone Almost 40_45% of diabetic patients associated with chronic kidney disease leading to kidney failure or end up with potential cardiovascular diseases  So ,the finerenone is used in those patients to further prevent the progression of the disease  III.Dosage in Chronic kidney disease patients  The dosage of finerenone is based on the eGFR and serum potassium levels  Renal dosage adjustments      Initial dosage:              Initial dosage should be 20 mg daily                Dosage includes …


What are cereals ?        Wheat(गेहूं)        Rice(चावल)        Oats(जई)        Maize(मक्का)        Barley(जौ)        Rye(राई)        Millet(सामा , कुटकी ) and Sorghum(चारा) Wheat For 100 gms of wheat serving the calories is obtained  is about 330 Calories  Fats is around 1.9 gms Sodium -2 mg Potassium -340 mg Protein-15 gms  Carbohydrates-76g  Additionally it also contains vitamin A ,C,Calcium and iron  Rice For 100 gms of rice rice serving the calories obtained is about 130 g Fats- 0.3 g Sodium-1 mg Potassium …