Kidney diseases are like thieves who slowly rob you off your physical and mental health. There are several factors that influence the development and progression of kidney share but none influence as much as diet. 

There are certain foods that can negatively contribute to the health of our kidneys. In this article, you will learn everything that you need to know about foods to avoid for kidney patients and other healthier alternatives. 

Foods to Avoid 

Food is like fuel to our muscles, organs, and tissues. However, things wouldn’t stay the same if we are not mindful about the food that we consume. Here are some food that every kidney patient or people at high risk of acquiring renal disease must avoid:

  1. High Sodium Foods 

There are several minerals that help in normal kidney function of our body and one of them is sodium. However, an excess of sodium puts a lot of strain on the kidney and it becomes harmful. 

High sodium intake can cause your body to retain fluid, which can put additional strain on your kidneys. 

Most of the time, processed and packaged foods such as canned soups and vegetables, and fast food are high in sodium. Therefore, avoiding it would be a smart choice.

  1. High Potassium Foods 

Phosphorus is yet another mineral that is found abundantly in our body. However, this can be a curse for many, especially people at high risk of kidney disease or the ones experiencing it. 

When kidneys fail to function properly, phosphorus builds up in the blood in toxic amounts. It leads to bone problems, heart disease, and other complications. 

Experts recommend people to avoid foods such as dairy products, nuts and seeds, chocolate, and processed meats as they have high phosphorus concentration.

  1. High Phosphorus Foods 

Potassium is also a mineral that is essential for normal bodily functions. However, an excess of it can be harmful if you have kidney disease. 

High potassium levels can cause muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, and other complications. 

Experts often advise kidney patients to avoid food such as bananas, oranges, tomatoes, avocados, and potatoes as they have high potassium concentration.

  1. High sugary Foods 

People with kidney disease must always be mindful of their sugar intake. Eating too much sugar leads to weight gain which ultimately puts additional strain on the kidneys. 

Additionally, too much sugar can also result in diabetes, the leading cause of kidney disease. 

Some foods that kidney patients must reduce or avoid consuming include soda, candy, baked goods, and sweetened cereals.

Alternatives to Consider 

  1. Fruits and vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables are the kings and queens of the nutrition world. 

The reason behind this is the concentration of essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Fruits and vegetables are a healthy addition to a kidney-friendly diet. 

Experts recommend the kidney patients to include berries, cherries, apples, bell peppers, cabbage, and cauliflower.

  1. High-Quality Protein 

People with kidney disease must be extremely cautious about their protein intake. This is because although protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass and overall health, it can significantly increase the strain on kidneys. 

Leading Nephrologists in India recommend people with renal diseases to only consume high-quality protein sources, such as lean meats, tofu, poultry, fish, eggs.

  1. Whole Grains 

Whole grains are an amazing source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Therefore, its addition is considered to be excellent for kidney patients. 

Some whole grains that may make the best addition for kidney patients include brown rice, quinoa, barley, and whole wheat bread.

  1. Healthy Fats 

Healthy fats are an important part of a balanced diet and can help support renal health. It is easily found in nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil,  

However, people with kidney disease should be careful about their fat intake and choose healthy fats in moderation.

  1. Low Phosphorus foods 

Like potassium, phosphorus is an important mineral that needs to be managed carefully in a kidney-friendly diet. 

Phosphorus foods for kidney patients include apples, bell peppers, carrots, cauliflower, and rice.


People at high risk of acquiring kidney disease or already have one must pay close attention to their diet. They must avoid consuming food that has a high concentration of sodium, phosphorus, red meat, and sugary drinks. 

By making changes to the diet and working closely with your physician, you can easily manage your kidney disease and maintain optimal health. 

One must always remind themselves that small changes can add up to big benefits over time. 

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

What foods are bad for kidneys? 

Foods that are high in sodium, phosphorus, and potassium are considered bad for the kidneys. This is because they add a lot of strain on the kidney.

What fruit is good for the kidneys?

Fruits such as apples, red grapes, pineapple, and cranberries are good for the health of your kidney. Additionally, they also contain anti-inflammatory properties. 

Is papaya good for kidney patients?

Papaya consists of a good amount of potassium which is considered good for the kidneys. The fruit flushes out toxins from our body and it also reduces uric acid from blood. 

Which vegetables reduce creatinine level?

Bitter gourd, cucumber, and red bell pepper are some of the vegetables that help to reduce creatinine. Adding these vegetables will also help your body fight against all the infections. 

Is carrots good for kidney patients?

People with kidney disease must try to eat food that regulates blood pressure. Carrot is a food that helps in lowering our blood pressure and keeping the kidneys healthy.