If you already have chronic kidney disease (CKD), early detection and treatment can slow its progression considerably. If you are not aware that you are at risk for this condition, ask your doctor for urine and blood tests to detect it. There are several ways to delay kidney failure, especially if chronic kidney disease (CKD) is diagnosed early.

It is recommended that you see a nephrologist. Follow your doctor’s treatment plan carefully, including regular blood and urine tests and management of disease risk factors, including high blood pressure (high blood pressure), coronary heart disease, and even diabetes. The treatment often depends on the stage of the disease..

  1. Control your blood pressure.
  • Blood pressure control is probably the most effective treatment for slowing the progression of kidney disease.
  • Keeping blood pressure within the normal range may slow the progression of kidney disease. This is especially true for people with diabetes and protein in the urine (proteinuria). You could make lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, meditating, consuming less salt and alcohol, and quitting smoking which may help lower your blood pressure.
  •  In case you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension, your doctor may prescribe blood pressure medicine. This is for you to incorporate into your routine in addition to making lifestyle changes. Your doctor might also tell you to follow a specific kidney-friendly diet called DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension). This is a diet that is basically low in salt and high in potassium and calcium. This diet mainly focuses on choosing low-fat dairy products instead of high-fat ones, choosing vegetable proteins instead of animal proteins, and avoiding dark cola drinks.
  1. Monitor your blood sugar levels.
  • Achieving and maintaining optimal glycemic control reduces the risk of albuminuria. Intensive glycemic control reduces the progression of albuminuria in type 1 diabetes. The advantages of the second type are less obvious. Current diabetes guidelines recommend achieving A1C goals of less than 7%. However, recent data emphasize the importance of individualizing treatment goals.
  • In fact, if you have diabetes, controlling your blood sugar may slow the progression of kidney disease. Eat foods that are good for diabetes and kidneys, and follow your doctor’s instructions regarding your diet, insulin, or other medications.
  1. Eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.
  • Eating a kidney-friendly diet may help slow the progression of kidney disease. A diet specially recommended by a nutritionist is especially helpful. A nutritionist can help you plan a meal you enjoy based on your preferences. Regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight are also some of the effective ways that could help you  manage your disease progression.
  • The purpose of diet therapy in CKD can be considered as two-folded: to delay progression and to prevent and treat complications, including malnutrition.
  • You may be advised to limit phosphorus-containing foods such as meat, processed foods, dark sodas, and dairy products in general if you are diagnosed with stage 3 CKD. This is because when your kidneys are not functioning properly, high phosphorus levels can build up in your blood, leading to loss of calcium and weakening your bones.
  •  This could make your bones more prone to breakage and perhaps even arthritis. This is why, a phosphate binder which is a type of medication that might also be prescribed to you with your meals and snacks; this drug doesn’t allow phosphorus to get into your blood.
  • Your doctor may recommend that you avoid a high-protein diet if you have stage 3 or higher CKD. These diets increase the pressure inside the kidney filter. Over time, this pressure damages the filter that allows the protein to enter the urine. This leak will further damage the kidney filter over time.
  • You should make sure to choose foods that are good and beneficial for your heart. The next steps as the disease progresses may include limiting your dietary phosphorus and potassium intake. If dietary phosphorus restriction is necessary, avoiding dietary supplements containing phosphorus may be an appropriate first step. Maintaining nutritional status requires adequate calorie intake throughout the continuum.
  • To evaluate and initiate Individual Therapeutic Nutritional Therapy (MNT) for CKD patients, it is important to involve a dietitian with knowledge of CKD diet and nutrition.
  • A prescription form of vitamin D may also be recommended. If you have stage 3 or higher CKD, your parathyroid glands become overactive, which can lead to bone disease, arthritis, skin problems, itching, and anemia. Vitamin D prevents the complications of excess PTH (hyperparathyroidism) by inhibiting the overproduction of parathyroid hormone (PTH).
  •  Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are some of the other medications that could be prescribed to you. Studies have shown that these drugs can protect the kidneys and slow the progression of most forms of CKD.
  • If you develop anemia, be sure to seek treatment. People with CKD are often diagnosed with anemia because their kidneys can no longer produce enough of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO). It is this which stimulates the production of red blood cells. You can get iron supplements and also EPO injections. Hyperparathyroidism can also make anemia worse.
  1. Reduce albuminuria levels
  • Elevated urine albumin levels are associated with an increased risk of kidney complications, and a decrease in urine albumin levels may decrease the risk of disease progression. In order to slow the progression of CKD, ACE inhibitors and ARBs have been used  which may be reflected in decreased albuminuria.
  •  The drug reduces capillary glomerular blood pressure and systemic blood pressure. They may also be considered in glomerular (proteinuria) kidney disease in the absence of high blood pressure. Sodium restriction may increase the effectiveness of these drugs. Use caution with hyperkalemia when using
  • Monitor for hyperkalemia when using ACE inhibitors or ARBs. A slight non-progressive increase in serum creatinine levels after starting this drug may reflect hemodynamic changes rather than the progression of kidney disease.
  • Weight loss, reduced dietary sodium, and limiting excessive dietary protein intake may reduce albuminuria. If necessary, see a registered dietitian who understands the CKD diet.

What Lifestyle Changes Can You Make To Stop The Progression Of Kidney Disease?

  • You should encourage health-promoting behaviors such as smoking cessation and physical activity. Smoking is generally associated with abnormal urine albumin levels and also the progression of CKD. It also contributes to death from stroke and even heart attack in people especially with CKD. Although phased nicotine replacement therapy is generally safe, patients should be monitored for side effects that may include exacerbation of pre-existing hypertension and contact allergies or anaphylaxis. People with
  • Usually, people with CKD tend to be less active, but their physical activity goals are the same as the general population, at least 20-30 minutes each day. Both aerobic and strength training should be recommended to improve or prevent exacerbations. Physical activity generally helps prevent cardiovascular disease, improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes, and maintain muscle mass.
  • Evidence shows that self-care training for patients with chronic conditions reduces health care use and improves behavior and health compared to conventional treatment.
  • You should always watch your weight. Limit fatty foods, fried foods, and fatty desserts. Obesity has been linked to high blood pressure, heart disease, and CKD. A registered dietitian (R.D.) can help with meal planning.
  •  Start your workout program if you haven’t already. The easiest way to do this is to walk for 30 minutes for a minimum of three or if you can more than 3  times a week. Exercising  is considered as a great way to control your weight and also to improve your overall health.
  • Prevents heart problems that can be caused by CKD and are also a risk factor. This may include controlling diabetes, high blood pressure and anemia, and controlling cholesterol through diet and/or medications.
  • Be careful when taking over-the-counter medicines and supplements. If you have been diagnosed with CKD, talk to your doctor about which medications are right for you, even over-the-counter medications and supplements.
  • Do not take large doses of pain relievers, especially a combination of caffeine, acetaminophen, and aspirin. These combination drugs have been linked to an increased risk of kidney disease. Drugs containing only acetaminophen are less harmful, but may also be harmful to the kidneys. 
  • All of these drugs can damage the inside of the kidneys, a condition known as interstitial nephritis. It has been observed that 8 to 10 tablets or capsules of a single acetaminophen can damage the kidneys for up to 5 years. 
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs containing ibuprofen and drugs containing naproxen sodium can harm the kidneys, but only if the kidneys are already under stress. 
  • For example, dehydration from overwork can put a strain on the kidneys. As long as you stay hydrated, these drugs are generally safe for your kidneys.

Can The Progression Of Kidney Disease Be Stopped?

There is no cure for chronic kidney disease (CKD), but treatment may help relieve symptoms and prevent worsening. Treatment depends on the stage of CKD. Primary treatment often includes lifestyle changes which are used to keep you as healthy as possible.

How Quickly Does Kidney Disease Progress?

Overall, in a large modern population with mild to moderate CKD, the accelerated progression of renal dysfunction over 2 years affects 1 in 4 people with diabetes and 1 in 7 people without diabetes. 

Is It Possible To Reverse The Stage Of Kidney Disease?

 It is impossible to reverse kidney damage, but steps can be taken to slow it down. Taking prescribed medications, being physically active, and eating a healthy diet will help. It also makes you feel better and improves your overall well-being.


Which Exercise Is Good For Your Kidneys?

Choose a sustained activity such as walking, swimming, cycling (indoor or outdoor), skiing, aerobic dancing, or other activity that requires constant movement of large muscle groups. Low-level strengthening exercises can also be helpful as a part of a program.


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