- Maintain your blood pressure charting. Target BP < 135/85 mmHg
- If Diabetic then keep sugars in normal range. There is risk of low sugar levels in kidney disease.
- Diet in chronic kidney disease is low protein and low potassium.
- Do regular physical exercises and be active.
- In case of Fever take paracetamol and for pain take tramadol.
- Maintain a proper vaccination schedule with dates.
- Do regular follow up with your nephrologist.
- Not to take kidney harmful medicines, nephrotoxic, common painkillers like diclofenac, brufen.
- Not to use a non dominant arm (usually left arm) for blood testing, intravenous injections.
- Not to take special salt (like senda, tata lite, low sodium, pink salt, rock salt). Take only normal salt like original tata salt.
- No smoking, or any form of tobacco use
- Do not take indigenous medicine, ayurvedic or homeopathic.