Stage 4 Kidney Disease is a important stage of kidney disease that significantly impacts a person’s health. At this stage, the kidneys have experienced a severe decline in their functioning. Needless to say, this raises several questions about life expectancy and the overall prognosis. 

In this article, we learn about following:

  • Understanding Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Survival Rates and Prognosis in Stage 4 CKD
  • Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease 
  • Lifestyle Modifications for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease 
  • Psychological and Emotional Impact of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease 
  • Frequently asked questions

Understanding Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD is a disease condition that greatly affects the functions of the kidneys. Depending on the glomerular filtration rate (it measures the rate of kidney function) the disease is categorized into different stages. 

Stages of CKD:

Chronic kidney disease is divided into five stages and it ranges from Stage 1 to Stage 5. With stage 1 having mild kidney damage and stage 5 being end-stage renal disease. Each stage represents a different level of kidney function. Stage 4 kidney disease shows severe decrease in the glomerular filtration rate or GFR. In simpler words, the filtering ability of the kidney decreases significantly in stage 4 CKD.

Symptoms and complications associated with Stage 4 CKD:

Many people with chronic kidney disease find themselves experiencing symptoms that significantly impact their daily lives. Some occurrences like fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting can leave them feeling drained. 

People may also experience complications like – high blood pressure, anemia, and cardiovascular diseases. Needless to say, these symptoms can be overwhelming and it would take comprehensive care and management strategies to deal with chronic kidney disease.

Causes and risk factors of Stage 4 CKD

Stage 4 CKD can have various underlying causes, and it may develop over a long period of time. Some of the primary causes include:

  1. Diabetes: 

Uncontrolled diabetes is a leading cause of CKD. High blood sugar levels can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys and decline their  function with time.

  1. Hypertension: 

When our blood pressure is consistently high, there is lot of strain on the blood vessels present in the kidneys. It leads to kidney damage and reduced function.

  1. Glomerulonephritis: 

This condition refers to inflammation in the glomeruli, which are tiny filters in the kidneys. Prolonged or recurrent inflammation can lead to irreversible kidney damage.

  1. Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): 

In this disease, the kidney tissues begin to develop cysts or tiny fluid-filled lumps. Over time, these cysts can disrupt kidney structure and impair their function.

Survival Rates and Prognosis in Stage 4 CKD

Survival rates and prognosis in Stage 4 CKD are influenced by the factors mentioned earlier. While it is difficult to provide specific figures, studies have shown that the survival rates for Stage 4 CKD patients can vary. 

Some individuals may progress to end-stage renal disease (Stage 5 CKD) and require dialysis or kidney transplantation, while others may experience a slower decline in kidney function. Regular monitoring, appropriate medical management, and adherence to treatment plans can contribute to improved survival rates and prognosis.

It is crucial to remember that these statistics and figures serve as general guidelines and do not provide a definitive answer for every individual. Each person’s experience with Stage 4 CKD is unique, and it is essential to consult with healthcare professionals who can evaluate specific circumstances and provide personalized information and support.

Treatment Options for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

Choosing the right treatment option for  Stage 4 Kidney Disease is essential to manage the disease and improve quality of life. Some common CKD treatment options are as follows:

Medical Interventions and Therapies

  1. Medications: 

Your doctors may prescribe you medications to manage specific symptoms of CKD like increased blood pressure, management of anemia, and reducing protein in the urine.

  1. Dietary Modifications: 

A kidney-friendly diet is often recommended for individuals with Stage 4 CKD. This diet normally involves reducing sodium, potassium, phosphorus in the food. As it reduces the burden on the kidneys.

  1. Blood Pressure Management: 

Maintaining optimal blood pressure levels is crucial in slowing the progression of CKD. Medications, lifestyle modifications, and regular monitoring help control blood pressure and protect the kidneys.

Dialysis as a Treatment Option

Dialysis becomes essential when the function of kidney decreases. It declines to the point where they can no longer remove waste products and excess fluid from the body. End-stage renal disease patients get to choose between 2 types of dialysis:

  1. Hemodialysis: 

In hemodialysis, blood is pumped out of the body and filtered through a dialysis machine that removes waste products and extra fluid. The clean blood is then returned to the body. Hemodialysis is usually performed in a dialysis center multiple times a week.

  1. Peritoneal Dialysis: 

Peritoneal dialysis involves using the peritoneal membrane in the abdomen as a natural filter. A cleansing fluid, called dialysate, is introduced into the abdominal cavity through a catheter. Waste products and excess fluid pass through the peritoneal membrane into the dialysate, which is then drained out of the body.

Kidney Transplantation and Its Considerations

Kidney transplantation offers a long-term solution for Stage 4 CKD by replacing the failed kidneys with a healthy donor kidney. Considerations for kidney transplantation include:

  1. Donor Options: 

Kidneys for transplantation can come from deceased donors or living donors, such as family members or individuals willing to donate altruistically. Living donor kidney transplantation typically provides better outcomes.

  1. Evaluation Process: 

Both the potential recipient and the potential donor undergo thorough medical and psychological evaluations to ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of complications.

  1. Immunosuppressive Medications: 

Following transplantation, recipients are required to take immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney. These medications suppress the immune system to allow the body to accept the new organ.

Lifestyle Modifications for Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease 

Making lifestyle modifications can significantly impact the prognosis of chronic kidney disease. Some must-do changes include: 

Dietary Restrictions and Recommended Nutritional Guidelines

Dietary modifications are essential in managing Stage 4 CKD. The following guidelines are often recommended:

  1. Sodium Restriction: 

Limiting sodium intake helps control blood pressure and fluid retention. This involves avoiding high-sodium processed foods, canned soups, fast food, and excessive salt in cooking.

  1. Potassium and Phosphorus Management: 

People with Stage 4 CKD must limit their intake of potassium and phosphorus. Try to avoid or at least limit foods like bananas, oranges, tomatoes, and potatoes. Similarly, phosphorus-rich foods like dairy products, nuts, and cola beverages should be limited.

  1. Protein Intake: 

Patients with stage 4 kidney disease must adjust their protein intake. Consuming right amount of high-quality protein helps to maintain muscle mass. It also helps to reduce the burden on the kidneys. This is typically achieved by working with a registered dietitian who specializes in kidney disease.

  1. Fluid Control: 

Managing fluid intake is crucial for individuals with Stage 4 CKD, as impaired kidney function may result in fluid retention. A healthcare professional or dietitian can provide personalized recommendations for fluid restrictions.

Psychological and Emotional Impact of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

Receiving a diagnosis of Stage 4 Kidney Disease can have a profound psychological and emotional impact on both patients and their caregivers. Therefore, you must learn to address and understand all the challenges effectively. 

Coping with the Diagnosis and Managing Emotions

  1. Acceptance and Understanding: 

Coming to terms with the diagnosis of Stage 4 CKD may be challenging. But you must learn to seek accurate information about the disease, its progression, and available treatment options.

  1. Emotional Expression: 

Understand that expressing emotions like fear and frustration is a part of the coping process. Sharing these feelings with loved ones or joining support groups can provide a supportive environment for emotional expression.

  1. Self-Care Practices: 

Engaging in self-care activities like relaxation techniques, pursuing hobbies, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle contributes to good health.

Support Networks and Resources for Patients and Caregivers

  1. Family and Friends: 

Building a support network of family and friends who can offer emotional support, provide practical assistance, and lend a listening ear can be invaluable during the journey of Stage 4 CKD.

  1. Support Groups: 

Talking to people going through similar experiences can offer a sense of belonging and understanding. You can do this by talking to either close ones or joining in-person or online support groups.

  1. Professional Support: 

Talking to mental health professionals can help you safely explore your emotions, and develop coping strategies.

Mental Health Considerations and Seeking Professional Help

  1. Awareness of Mental Health: 

Recognizing the importance of mental health in managing Stage 4 CKD is crucial. Dealing with a chronic illness can lead to anxiety, depression, or adjustment disorders. It is essential to prioritize mental well-being alongside physical health.

  1. Seeking Professional Help: 

If you face any sort of mental health illness, it is always better to talk to someone who qualifies as a professional. Mental health professionals can provide therapeutic interventions, counseling, and support to address and manage psychological challenges.

  1. Caregiver Support: 

Caregivers also face unique challenges when supporting individuals with Stage 4 CKD. They may experience increased stress, emotional strain, and burnout. Accessing caregiver support groups and seeking respite care can provide them with the necessary support and resources.


Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) presents significant challenges and considerations for patients and their caregivers. While life expectancy can vary depending on individual factors and treatment approaches, it is crucial to understand that Stage 4 CKD represents an advanced stage of kidney disease that requires careful management and support. 

By gaining a deeper understanding of Stage 4 CKD and its implications, individuals and their loved ones can navigate this challenging journey with resilience and a better quality of life. 

Frequently asked questions 

  1. Can you live a long life with stage 4 CKD?

Yes, stage 4 kidney disease people can live a long life. However, it greatly depends on factors like medical management, lifestyle modifications, and treatment options.

  1. Can Stage 4 kidney disease get better?

Stage 4 kidney disease represents a significant decline in kidney function. Although it is not completely reversible, timely interventions and treatments can help slow the progression of the disease.

  1. Can you stop stage 4 CKD from progressing?

While it may not be possible to completely halt the progression of Stage 4 CKD, sticking to a comprehensive treatment plan will help slow down the damage.